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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 渡假型休閒式住宅俱樂部使用後評估之研究 —以臺]北縣三芝鄉渡假型休閒式住宅俱樂部為例 
作者 陳柏宏 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 157 
中文摘要 隨著運動生活化、休閒生活化觀念的導入,具有多項休閒設施的俱樂部與集合住宅結合,逐漸成為臺灣新興的建築規劃型態.但由於規劃、經營及使用者三者間之需求不一,使得俱樂部實質的運作及使用情形備受爭議.在眾多休閒住宅類型中,渡假型休閒住宅因其環境區位、建築規模、社區戶數及規劃目的,不論在設施規模或經營型態上皆與其他類型差異甚大,而其中以臺北縣之案例最貼近於休閒住宅發展之原點.故本研究透過田野調查及問卷的方式,以臺北縣三芝鄉渡假型休閒住宅之俱樂部為對象,探討不同設施規劃、使用者類型及管理維護方式對於俱樂部使用者在設施使用上之影響及關係. 
英文摘要 As the injection of the concept of sports living and leisure living, the housing type with multiple leisure facilities has become a rising one in Taiwan. But because of differences of the requirement among planners, managers and users, there are controversies over the function and usage of clubs. Among numerous types of leisure housing, vacation housing is different from others whether in the scope of facilities or the operating style owing to its location, scale, amount of household and planning purpose. Cases in Taipei County are the earliest in the development of vacation housing. Based on the investigated cases seen in the field study and polls, the focus of this thesis is mostly addressed on the planning, user-type, the operating and maintaining method of the vacation housing appearing in Sanjhih Township in Taipei County in terms of figuring out if they are related to the usage of club users. 
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出版者 國立雲林科技大學空間設計研究所 
出版地 雲林縣 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;三芝鄉;休閒設施;俱樂部;用後評估;渡假型休閒住宅