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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 清水斷層之淺部構造 
作者 蕭瑞文 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 104 
中文摘要 清水斷層位於台灣中部大肚台地之西緣,與南邊八卦台地西緣之彰化斷層及北邊后里台地西緣之大甲斷層,位置形態相當類似,其東邊之台地均為在厚約2公里之頭嵙山層內發生逆衝作用,使地層繞曲抬昇而形成,而逆衝前緣則發生斷層,故合稱為大甲—清水—彰化斷層.文獻資料指出此台地西緣之序列斷層較類似地下隱藏之「盲斷層」作用所產生(蕭寶宗,1968;張錫齡,1971),此盲斷層引發之逆衝作用抬昇上述之三個台地,造成背斜,並在其西緣產生斷層,加速台地之上昇. 本研究採用淺層反射震測法在清水斷層可能存在位置處施測,企圖找出該斷層的正確位置,並探討其錯動機制與特性.野外總共實施了五十多條測線,其中三分之二為短測線之廣域佈線,用以觀察淺部地層構造變化,瞭解背斜構造與斷層之關係. 
英文摘要 The Chinshui fault is located at the western border of the Tatu terrace, west-central Taiwan. It is believed to be a continuous part of the Changhua fault extenting from the Pakua terrace in the south and also connecting to the Tachia fault developed along the Houli terrace in the north. These serial faults: the Tachia-Chinshui-Changhua fault represent the most western thrust fault system along the deformation front of western Taiwan foothill area. Photogeologic studies indicated that it is an active fault with apparent lineation and fault scarps. The seismic profiles provided by the petroleum company reveal that a standard ‘fault-bend fold’ may exist under the anticlines of the terraces. This study attempts to use the shallow reflection seismic method to map the shallow structures around the fault and to examine its relationship with the surrounding fold structures. This data may also be able to explore the generation mechanics of the terraces and the faults. Over 50 seismic lines are distributed along the boundary between the plane and the terrace. It is surprised to find that most seismic sections are composed of flat layers even inside the area of low-level terrace. The places where the sedimentary layers start to bend are very close to the boundary of the Toukoshan formation exposed at the high-level terrace. The smoothly bending layers on the seismic sections support the model of fault-bend-fold. 
出版者 國立中央大學地球物理研究所 
出版地 桃園縣 
關鍵詞 清水斷層;大肚台地;泰安斷層;臺中縣;清水鎮