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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 淡水遊記 : 重建街計畫 
作者 賴俊宇 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 66 
中文摘要 本研究試圖提出空間的紀念性涵構之分析嘗試,作為探討環境的空間品質的一個不同向度,重新審視在都市計畫的工具理性邏輯下,所可能遺漏甚至摧毀的集體記憶。操作上首先藉由散落於舊街區的幾種記憶與空間的指認並「定位」,由此進一步使選定基地的空間「自明性」逐漸浮現;配合傳統慶典的週期性活動之觸發催化,呈現並強化此環境的地點感,重新喚醒深藏你我心中對於街道生活記憶的熟悉感與認同。在此引入「歷時性」的概念來為我們都市化生活步調與傳統街道韻律尋求同步運作的機制。 
英文摘要 This research analyzes the monumental contextual composition of space in attempt to probe a different perspective in spatial quality and reassess all collective remembrances that are possibly omitted or devastated under the rationality of urban planning. The remembrances of life accumulated by time is the intrinsic identity of the artificial environment, and through an affective aura, as opposing to the hard exterior of structures, cognitive foundation of ideal space in our perception is constructed, and the reality we eagerly pursue is truthfully affected and reflected. The methodology of this research initiates with identification and ‘positioning’ of the remembrance and space scattered throughout the historic districts, so ‘identity’ of the selected space can gradually emerge; along with periodic traditional celebrations, the locality of the environment is expected to be reinforced, and the remembrance and identification of the lives in those districts embedded in our hearts can be recalled. Then, the concept of ‘diachrony’ is introduced to search for synchronous mechanism integrating the modern life and historic districts. 
出版者 淡江大學建築學系 
出版地 臺北縣 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;淡水鎮;舊街區;定位;自明性;歷時性;慶典;感覺結構;紀念性;旅行見聞錄