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系統識別碼 A99031894 
資料類型 單篇文獻 
主要題名 活動量與高血壓及高血脂症的相關探討--金山成年居民的研究 
作者 張薰文;李源德;林瑞雄;許秀卿;蘇大成;簡國龍;陳文鍾;黃玉真;宋鴻樟 
出版日期 1999-12 
卷期 18:6 
頁碼或冊數 413-422 
中文摘要 3602),完成基礎資料建立,並於1993年完成第一階段的追蹤調查(N=2718)。活動度以問卷訪視的方式完成,採用簡潔式的Baecke問卷進行活動度測量,其中包括有關工作指標、運動指標、休閒活動指標。至於其他心血管疾病危險因子的資料,包括總膽固醇值和血壓的檢測、人口特性資料問卷 調查等。結果:在控制年齡、BMI、抽菸、喝酒、糖尿病史及心血管疾病家族史後,總活動量為高度者比低度者有較低的平均總膽固醇(男性為190.0比197.8mg/dl,p=0.04,女性則為195.8比207.2mg/dl,p=0.001)。平均收縮壓及舒張壓與活動量則都未顯示出明顯相關,但以複迴歸控制影響高血壓及高血脂的相關因子後,則發現男性總活動量為高度者,其高血壓的勝算比,約為低度者的0.7倍,而女性工作活動量較高者,有高血壓的危險性,亦為低度者的0.66倍。休閒活動指標與男女性高血脂有一致且明顯的負相關,休閒活動指標每增加一單位,可以減少5.6mg/dl的總膽固醇。 結論:本研究顯示總活動量與總膽固醇之間的關係較明顯,但運動指標與高血脂及血壓之間的關係,則較不明顯。 
英文摘要 2718) in 1993 were used for this study. In the first follow-up survey, information on physical activity was obtained using questionnaires developed by Baecke et al. Levels of physical activity were scored into four categories: physical activity at work (work index), leisure time exercises (exercise index), leisure time activity without exercise (leisure-time index) and total activity index. Sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle and medical history etc, were also obtained from questionnaires. Overnight fasting blood samples were obt ained for lipoprotein analysis; other anthropometric and blood pressure measurements were also performed at the same time. We compared blood pressure and total cholesterol (TC) using means or proportional values, included with 95% confidence intervals, by the level of physical activity. Logistic regression analysis was also used for risk measurements. Results: Controlling for age, body mass index, smoking, drink, diabetes and family history of cardiovascular disease, significant inverse trends were found f or TC across groups with low, moderate and high levels of total physical activity. The average adjusted TC for individuals with high and those with low total activity levels were 190.0 vs. 197.8 mg/dl for men and 195.8 vs. 203.2 mg/dl for women. In a multiple logistic regression model, a negative association was observed between hypertension and total physical activity in both men (OR=0.7) and women (OR=0.66) after controlling for other co-factors. We also observed that TC was negatively associated with le isure time activities both in men and women. Conclusions: The effect of total physical activity is greater to total cholesterol than to blood pressure. No strong correlation among exercise activity and lipid level and blood pressure was found for the study population. 
ISSN 1023-2141 
期刊刊名 中華公共衛生雜誌 
出版者 中華民國公共衛生學會 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;金山鄉;活動量;高血壓;高血脂症;血壓;總膽固醇值