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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 東勢林場賞螢活動解說員服務效果之研究 
作者 李世寶 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 78 
中文摘要 賞螢火蟲為東勢林場所提供之活動之一,解說服務可增加遊客對螢火蟲之認識.本研究以東勢林場的賞螢火蟲活動為對象,針對遊客進行生態旅遊,在有無接受人員解說的服務條件下,對整體生態旅遊的滿意度加以探討;並藉以瞭解人員解說服務的效果.研究採用方便取樣,抽樣時間為民國九十二年四月至七月.先分析遊客背景和人員解說服務間的關係,再以「生態知識的獲得」、「遊憩體驗的增加」、「生態保育的認同」三個構面,評估人員解說服務與旅遊滿意度間之影響差異.研究結果顯示,人員解說服務對遊憩體驗有顯著影響,經解說員服務的遊客在遊憩體驗的滿意度上都高於自行參觀的遊客,在「賞螢活動是有趣好玩的」、「賞螢活動內容充實豐富的」、「賞螢活動輕鬆感覺愉快的」、「賞螢活動整體評價是滿意的」、「如有機會我願再來林場賞螢」等五項有顯著的差異;有解說員服務在螢火蟲生態保育的認同度上亦明顯高於自行參觀的遊客;在「可以開發螢火蟲資源做為生態旅遊項目」、「賞螢火蟲要嚴守不捕捉的規定」、「賞螢過程打燈會影響螢火蟲生態」、「為賞螢方便不可以進螢火蟲棲息基地」、「大聲喧嘩會影響賞螢活動情緒」等五項也有顯著差異;有解說員服務的遊客在知識獲得的測驗中得分略高於自行參觀者.人員解說效果與遊客對整體賞螢活動滿意度之相關有正向之關係.遊憩體驗、生態認知、知識獲得三者效果愈好,相形於遊客對整體賞螢活動滿意度也愈高.雖然解說員的提供對東勢林場的人力資源調度,是一項負擔;但其可增加遊客對林場之滿意度及資源保護,故建議林場考慮提供一些福利給義務解說員,以便增加義工之誘因. 
英文摘要 The firefly tour is one of the characteristics of Tung-Shih Forest Recreation Area. Interpretation service is offered to introduce the relative knowledge to tourists. The study assessed and discussed the efficiency and tourists’ satisfaction of the interpreter’s service currently offered at Tung-Shih Forest Recreation Area from the following three aspects including leisure experience, the receiving of ecological knowledge, and the agreement with the nature conservation of fireflies. A convenience sampling was used to collect 263 valid questionnaires. The sampling time was from April to July 2003. The results were as follows: The surveyed tourists felt that the firefly tour was an interesting and relaxing experience, contained substantially and abundantly activities after receiving interpreters’ service. The samples had higher efficiency for leisure experience and highly satisfaction, and got higher scores for the knowledge of firefly after receiving the interpreter’s service during the tour. Therefore, they would like to participate this tour again, and had highly agreed with the nature conservation of fireflies. The surveyed tourists thought that firefly tour can be developed as a eco-tourism, it should forbid to catch fireflies and to enter their habits during the tour, lighting will disturb the ecology of fireflies, and the noisy made by tourists will influence the tourists’ mood of participating the firefly tour. Generally speaking, samples had highly satisfaction with leisure experience, the receiving of ecological knowledge, and the agreement with the nature conservation of fireflies after receiving the interpreter’s service. To offer interpreters can increase tourists’ satisfaction and protect the fireflies. Although it costs much money to pay interpreters, the manager of Tung-Shih Forest Recreation Area is suggested to give some benefits to volunteer interpreters to attract those volunteers. 
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出版者 朝陽科技大學休閒事業管理系碩士班 
出版地 臺中縣 
關鍵詞 滿意度;生態旅遊;解說效果;東勢林場;臺中縣;東勢鎮