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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 東勢居民對產業文化認同之研究 
作者 鍾東儒 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 91 
中文摘要 本研究目的在引導參與研究之東勢居民逐步建構其產業文化之認同.故以東勢鎮為研究地區,徵尋自願參與者,運用產業文化認同方法,協助其建構產業文化之認同,透過參與認同活動來提升認同度,其方法以釐清產業文化內容、蒐集產業文化內容資料、整理產業文化資料、產業文化解說導覽等四種方法依序進行,在經由實際之研究過程後,分析結果發現: 一、產業文化認同的第一步,在於建立鄉村居民對產業文化的概念,以釐清產業文化內容為起始之活動,逐步建立鄉村居民對產業文化的意識. 二、進行產業文化資料蒐集之工作時,藉由訪問當地和產業文化相關之耆老之互動過程,達到資訊移轉和經驗傳承,使產業文化得以延續、推廣. 三、整理產業文化內容工作除對產業文化進行紮根,及作為產業文化及相關解說導覽之依據. 四、產業文化解說導覽,使鄉村地區居民和外來遊客對產生產業文化認同.此外,當地居民熱心參與和地方組織的協助,以及學界的經驗交流,使得產業文化認同活動更為成功. 
英文摘要 This thesis aims to formulate and guide a step-by-stey construction of industrial culture recognition in the inhabitants of Dongshi. The specific area covered in this study is Dongshi, a suburban and deindustrialized town in central Taiwan. Volunteer subjects living in Dongshi were recruited to participate in the research project, in which industrial culture recognition approaches were employed to help them build up recognition of their particular industrial culture through a series of recognition-building activities, including clarification of their specific industrial culture, collection of their industrial culture data, processing of the gathered data, and interpretative tour guides of their industrial culture. A careful analysis of the process upon completion concludes with the following discoveries: 1. The first step toward the construction of industrial culture is to instil the idea of industrial culture in the inhabitants and to help them clarify their specific industrial culture, so that they are gradually oriented to their industrial culture. 2. In the process of collection of industrial culture data, interviews and interactions with the seniors of the area in question are necessary for the transmission and dissemination of cultural heritage as well as the processing and analysis of the cultural data. 3. Processing the data of industrial culture will contribute to the strengthening of industrial culture and provide a basis for related reports and tour guides. 4. Industrial culture tour guides help to construct recognition of industrial culture in the tourists as well as the inhabitants. Besides, for recognition-building activities to be effective, the inhabitants should take an active part in them, and the sponsorship of local authorities and the experiential exchanges in the academia are also necessary. 
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出版者 國立中興大學農業推廣教育研究所 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 臺中縣;東勢鎮;產業文化;產業文化認同方法