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系統識別碼 A97018911 
資料類型 單篇文獻 
主要題名 懸吊系統應用於成衣車縫工廠之分析探討高砂紡織廠、遠東板橋製衣廠、文苔企業成衣部等個案研究 
作者 徐毓斌;王乃巧 
出版日期 1997-09 
卷期 4:3 
頁碼或冊數 282-292 
中文摘要 本論文分別針對使用懸吊系統三家成衣廠(1).高砂紡織股份有限公司紡織廠成衣部(2).遠東紡織股份有限公司板橋製衣廠(3).文苔企業有限公司成衣部,作為訪談對象,瞭解懸吊系統在成衣車縫工廠實際應用與效益等狀況。 在研究過程中,本研究者發現;懸吊系統在歐、美已發展使用多年,且應用範圍甚廣;反觀國內發展是近五至十年才引進。對於成衣車縫工廠一般投資著重製衣機械工具改良之方面,如平車速度改進或車縫輔助器等之開發與應用。但對於投資懸吊系統可使生產效率增加高達百分之四十效果,此高投資報酬率之成果,應為成衣業者所該重視的層面。 本論文分析探討懸吊系統應用於成衣車縫工廠三個案之結論可為成衣業者參考,並更殷盼未來學者與業者共同研究使成衣車縫生產朝自動化工廠的方向邁進。 
英文摘要 The purpose of this research is to analyze how Hanger System effectively operates in apparel sewing assembly production plants. The researcher finds that with the investment in the hanger system, the manufacture sewing productivity could increase approximately forty percent. The Hanger System not only gives the improvement of sewing productivity, reduces the wastes of inefficient practices (or reduces the production cost), but also improves the quality of products. The finding of this research may provide some data for Taiwan's textile and apparel industry as a reference for making the Hanger System investment decision. With the case study of three apparel manufacturer's sewing assembly plants: (1) Kao Sha Textile Corporation, Ltd., Apparel Division, (2) Far Eastern Textile Corporation, Ltd., Pan-chiao Factory, and (3) Bun-Tai Enterprise Corporation, Ltd., which are currently using the Hanger System. The Interview Questionnaire Guides were conducted with these three plants' staffs, and analyzed. This results reveal that the Hanger System has been used in either Europe or U.S.A. for almost two decades, and the application of the system are widely in all types of apparel sewing plant. However, the application of the system in Taiwan's textile industry has been booming for only about five years. In the past, Taiwan apparel manufacturers made big investments in sewing machinery, mainly including: the improvement in sewing speed and the development of sewing supplemental equipment. The apparel manufacturers shall focus on the investments for reducing the production cost, improving the products quality and especially increasing the assembly plant's productivity. 
ISSN 1025-9678 
期刊刊名 華岡紡織期刊 
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出版者 中國文化大學紡織工程系學會 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;板橋市;懸吊系統;彈性製造系統;單件式流程生產系統;訪談法