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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 慈湖大溪陵寢管理處與駐地社區公共關係之研究 
作者 丁建明 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 144 
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討慈湖大溪陵寢管理處對駐地社區公共關係之研究,主要採用訪談法,並以自編之訪談題綱為工具,進行深入的訪談,以陵管處內部員工、大溪民意首長.議員、謁陵來賓、社區居民及社區利益團體等20名為研究對象,並將訪談資料經編號、編碼、分析探討結論. 
英文摘要 The purpose of this thesis is to probe the public relationship between Tzuhu-Dashi Mausoleum Administration and the local residents. In this study, I made an inquiry about what people think or what people suggest to the administration in an effort to promote its service. There were 20 interviewees, including staff of the unit, legislators, visitors, local community residents, and some charity groups in the community. After analyzing the above material offered from the interviewees, I found some facts. 
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出版者 大葉大學工業關係研究所 
出版地 彰化縣 
關鍵詞 桃園縣;大溪鎮;慈湖;公共關係;社區居民