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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 彰濱地區螻蛄蝦採集法對該族群恢復的影響及保育策略之研究 
作者 方智芳 
出版日期 1998 
頁碼或冊數 89 
中文摘要 鹿港美食螻蛄蝦俗稱陸港蝦猴是彰化地區的傳統佳餚,百年來該資源得以永續利用,但是近五年來有十二組漁民更新採集技術,改以水灌法採集,使得螻蛄蝦生產量大幅提高。因採集面積過大,對棲地也有相當程度的破壞。本文於1997年4月至12月,選擇彰化縣伸港灘地,針對水灌式,手挖式採集法對於螻蛄蝦族群的影響程度進行調查,透過參與式觀查法了解螻蛄蝦產業的產銷過程,最後整合伸港區的環境資源,提出經營管理策略。 
英文摘要 The Lu-Kang mud shrimp Upogebia edulis is one of the famous seafood at coastal area of central Taiwan.Since 1993, twelve groups of fishermen introduced the new hydraulic dredging methods to increase fisherr output.The new method substantially increases production and profit, but it may have impact on the shrimp population. Thestructure of fishing ground maybe disturbed too much so thaat the recovery of the shrimp populationis retarded. For this research, a field survey was conducted at Sheng-Kang intertidal area from April to December 1997. The auther investigated the fishing methods,amount of the production and the market price.In the begening, the auther labeled the last four years of mud shrimp that were harvesedby three fishing methods. This methods include traditional digging, the ocntiguous and non-contiguous hydraulic dredging method.Afterwards, the authet estimated the density and biobass of mud shrimp and compared the recovery rate to the population of the non-harvested neighboring area. 
出版者 私立東海大學環境科學研究所 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 彰化縣;線西鄉;彰濱地區;螻蛄蝦;水灌採集法;族群恢復;保育策略