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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 布袋港興建前後水動力變化之研究 
作者 鄭雅萍 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 70 
中文摘要 本文利用波潮流數值模式,以嘉義布袋漁港興建前後為研究背景,分析海岸開發後對波流場可能之影響機制。本文同時蒐集嘉南附近海域海、氣象及海岸地形變遷實測資料,以提供數值模式驗證之依據。根據數值模擬結果,判斷本區海岸在開發布袋港後對當地波流場之影響。數值模擬結果顯示布袋港興建後,改變原入射波浪沿布袋港兩側入射,並使兩側流場向內陸方向流動,南北向之流場在布袋港興建後亦多沿港區東西向流動。且因海岸結構物的延伸攔截沿岸漂沙,可能形成突堤效應。 
英文摘要 This study, in which numerical models are performed, aims at the changes of wave field and nearshore current after coastal development due to the construction of Pu-Dai harbor in Chiayi County. Meanwhile, field data such as wave climate and topographic changes along the coasts between Chiayi and Tainan County are collected as the proof of the models. Results also reveal that, after the construction of Pu-Dai harbor, oblique waves move along both north and south breakwaters of the harbor, which also make nearshore currents move shoreward along the breakwaters. The expanding of coastal structures blocking longshore sediment transport may lead to the jetty effect. 
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出版者 國立成功大學水利及海洋工程學系專班 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 嘉義縣;布袋鎮;布袋港;緩坡方程式;數值模式;水動力