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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 土地、水圳、聚落 以高美地區為例的臺灣傳統農村空間構成 
作者 鄭伊婷 
出版日期 2006 
頁碼或冊數 157 
中文摘要 臺灣南北狹長,地勢高聳,河川短促,水資源分配不均的地理特性之下,在土地開發史上,漢人勢力之所以優於當時的平埔族群,開發水源之經驗與能力佔據其重要的地位,也因此拓展出維持兩百多年,至今我們所見的傳統農村聚落. 探討高美地區的議題落入土地、水圳、聚落的討論,其主要原因有:一、高美地區位於大甲溪下游沖積三角洲,在具歷史代表性的圖籍中,清楚的描述出水源的改變.二、高美圳的灌溉範圍即為今高美五里,自清時期開發至今乃為一獨立、自主的範疇,在整個歷史脈絡下,呈現一完整的生命共同體而形成的社會組織關係.三、此一地區之大部分農地未經過農地重劃,因土地使用與水圳關係保有許多開墾過程中的足跡,有助於本研究對於漢人開墾發展沿革上之探討.四、未來的發展上,因隸屬於中部區域計畫之『台中港特定計畫區』劃定之農業區,在現行及未來發展上仍以農業生產為主要特色,希望透過本研究之基礎調查的整理,有助於此地區後續之研究發展.整體而言,本論文之主要內容由初期對於空間元素-聚落、土地、水圳、廟宇之記錄與調查,進入到社會層面的政治背景、土地權屬、水利組織與祭祀圈之分析探討,了解清領台之後至民國後工業化以前,漢人建構的傳統農村之整體發展與歷史變遷.研究成果上,由土地、水圳構成的空間組織,衍伸至社會層面的信仰組織,本研究以高美地區為例,提出祭祀圈與共引水源及水利灌溉組織有著共同存在的領域關係. 
英文摘要 Taiwan has a narrow shape and short, rapid water flows from its river streams which originate from its centralized high ground of terrains and mountains. This topology divides Taiwan’s water supplies unevenly throughout its body. Throughout Taiwan’s history of settlement and land development, early Sino settlers had better knowledge and skills than the “flat-land” aborigines with regard to water distribution and irrigation development, This level of understanding underpinned the viability of their settlements for more than two hundred years and is both still relevant to the current farming villages and evident in the area formations that we see today. Reasons for the topic discussions, on Land property, Irrigated system, and Settlements that are specifically within the Kao-mei region, are: 1. the region of Kao-mei is a delta which was formed at the lower stream of the Tacha river, and clear descriptions and changes within this region can be seen in many historical citations and documents. 2. Kao mei’s irrigation area now covers the five districts of Kao mei today. Since the Ching Dynasty, this region has been categorized as an independent area, and has been representated as having a body of community and society of its own. 3. Most of the farmlands within this region have not been reorganized, therefore, evidence of land utilization and Irrigated system can still be traced from the process of early settlement. This assists research and analysis into early Sino settlement in this particular region. 4. This particular agricultural region is part of the central regional development plan that is part of the specially designated area of Taichung port. Agricultural developments still remain as its primary specialty and focus for the presence and future within this region, and hopefully, this research and investigation will bring benefits and be of value to future development and study of this particular region. This thesis includes records and investigations into early settlements, villages and towns formation, in particular the development of Land property and Irrigated systems, and the religion and temples that evolved in this region. It covers a sequence of detailed analyses from social and political backgrounds, land ownership, irrigation development and utilization, and the religious sphere, with an emphasis on a dissection that focuses on the early development of the Sino settlement and historical transitions dated from the era of the Manchurian dynasty up to the industrialization period. The results of this research show that the development of settlements is initiated by the availability of water and land – essential elements - and is extended further by social and religious aspects as developments progress. This research uses the Kao-mei region as an example, and identifies the religious sphere, water and irrigation utilization as relational components for its coexistence and development in this particular region. 
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出版者 華梵大學建築學系碩士班 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 空間構成;歷史變遷;土地權屬;灌溉組織;祭祀圈;臺中縣;清水鎮