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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 國內商港之區域物流管理-以布袋港為例 
作者 陳秀政 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 88 
中文摘要 隨時代轉變,資訊及專業分工的發展,產生許多跨國或區域貿易,最初僅為運輸用途,至現代必須提供多元服務,使得物流中心因應而生,提供多樣化的服務,包括:倉儲、配送及流通加工等,能強化港埠機能,提升港埠競爭力,整合資訊及物流,有效利用港埠資源,來減少資源重複建置的浪費。臺灣四面環海,離島眾多,本島地形狹長且中央山脈直亙,離島物資及南北、東西貨物運輸,必須仰賴安全便利之海運。且兩岸三通勢在必行,直航帶動兩岸之間物資交流,突顯國內商港之重要性,並藉以吸引外資進入,帶動地方經濟,對於相關產業而言,更可降低航運與經營成本,提升臺灣競爭優勢。惟目前物流管理及國內商港之相關法律不足、營運管理不善、運輸規劃不周全等現象,正逐漸削弱港埠生存空間。本研究旨以布袋港為例,提出發展國內商港之區域物流中心,整合運輸、倉儲、供應及分配等物流服務,達到永續運輸的目標。 
英文摘要 From the industry to information age, the development of information technology and the specialized division of labor has produced global transnational and regional trade. Originally, the specialized port was only for the purpose of transporting. Presently, it constructs the regional logistic center that provides multiple-services such as warehousing and transportation etc. The role of such a regional logistic center will therefore strengthen a port’s competitiveness by integrating all information and logistic. Resources would be utilized more efficiently by preventing various overlapping cost.Taiwan is an island which consists of Central Mountain range and lots of isles. The maritime transportation is absolutely necessary and safe when it conveys mainland heavy goods. In consideration of the political policy, “Three-Links” is expected to be realized in the foreseeable future. Goods will frequently be transmitted between China and Taiwan, which makes domestic commercial ports become more essential. “Three-Links” would also bring forth enthusiastic gesture from foreign businesses which would benefit local economy. Thus Taiwan could increase its competitive advantages.Unfortunately, there has yet to be sufficient legislation on commercial port management and planning. Such deficiency would prove to weaken the survival of commercial ports. In order to achieve the goal of sustainable development, we should build up the regional logistic centers of the domestic commercial ports which integrate the physical resource, provide the service of supply chain and improve the efficiency of transportation. 
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出版者 南華大學環境管理研究所 
出版地 嘉義縣 
關鍵詞 嘉義縣;布袋鎮;區域物流中心;國內商港;永續發展;環境永續運輸