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系統識別碼 A97036362 
資料類型 單篇文獻 
主要題名 國中學生體位及性徵發育變化之探討--以金山國中為例 
作者 黃國晉;李龍騰;陳慶餘;林瑞雄 
出版日期 1997-12 
卷期 7:4 
頁碼或冊數 165-173 
中文摘要 青春期最明顯的變化是身高與體重的增加及第二性徵的發育。 本研究主要目的在於調查國中生在青春時期體位及第二性徵發育之變情形。本研究共搜集臺北縣金山國中學生338 人為研究樣本, 分別於 1994 年 10 月入學時及 1997 年 4 月即將畢業前,測量其身高、體重及性徵發育等指標,結果發現:(1) 男生與女性在入學時,其身高、體重及身體質量指數等體位指標在統計兩性無明顯差異; (2) 在畢業男性身高及體重值( 166.9 ± 7.2公分, 58.3 ± 11.7 公斤)皆較女性( 157.1 ± 5.8 公分,52.3 ± 8.7 公斤)為大,男性身高及體重增加之平均值分別約為女性的 2.8 及 1.8 倍;但兩者在身體質量指數上並無明顯差異;(3) 女性比男性較早開始性徵發育,但男性在國中時期其性徵發育之變化則較女性顯著;(4) 學生入學時已肥胖者比正常體位者男及女性分別有 19.2 及 11.1 倍的危險性在其畢業時仍持續肥胖。研究顯示,青春期生長發育的變化個別差異頗大,而女性通常比男性發育較早開始。吾人建議除了加強國中時青春期的衛生教育及健康照護之外,應更早提供女性青春期的健康維護;而青少年肥胖問題也應予以正視並早期介入,以減以將來可能持續肥胖的危險性。 
英文摘要 The body height and weight gain and sexual development are evident during puberty. The study samples were recruited from the Chin-shan Junior High School in Taipei County. The body height, weight and Tanner's sexual development stage of 338 students were measured twice in October 1994 and in April 1997 respectively. The results revealed: (1) there were no statistically significant differences in body height, weight and body mass index between boys and girls on the first examination; (2) bodys were higher and heavier (166.9 ± 7.2cm, 58.3 ± 11.7kg) than girl (157.1 ± 5.8cm, 52.3 ± 8.7kg) on the second examination, but no significant difference in body mass index between two sexes; (3) girl entered puberty ealier than boys, but then slow down sexual development during the period of junior high school; (4) as compared to normal weight students, the obese students on the first examination had a greater chance, 19.2 times for the male and 11.1 times for the female, to be obese again on the second examination. The growth and development of boys and girls during puberty showed great diversity. From the results we recommend that health care and knowledge regarding sexual development should be provided earlier to students, particularly for girls. More attention and intervention strategy on adolescent obesity should be developed in order to reduce the risk of morbidity and mortality related to obesity in years later. 
ISSN 1017-4230 
期刊刊名 中華民國家庭醫學雜誌 
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出版者 中華民國家庭醫學醫學會 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;金山鄉;國中學生;體位;性徵發育