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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 台北盆地三重新莊樹林地區之淺層反射震測調查 
作者 蔡永龍 
出版日期 1993 
頁碼或冊數 137 
中文摘要 本研究主要使用淺層反射震測法調查台北盆地西半部之地下地層構造,以求能描繪出第三紀基盤面形貌,並瞭解盆地內各地層的變化趨勢。測區主要分佈在三重、新莊、樹林等地區,並收入蕭文啟( 1993 )及 Wang et al.( 1994 )之震測資料,以求對盆地西半部之地下構造有較完整之認識。此外也嘗試採用地電阻法以便更能瞭解各地層其他的物理特性,並與震測剖面做一比對。對於新莊斷層的偵測,除了使用反射震測法外,並 配合微重力測勘做一綜合解釋。 
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to investigate the subsurface stratigraphic structure of western Taipei Basin by shallow reflection seismic method ,especially the Tertiary basement. The conclusions are as follows : (1) The depth of the buttom of Sungshan Formation is about 50 to 80 meters. The most deepest area is more than 110 meters at Wuku and Taishan. The interfaces of sand and mud within the Sungshan Formation constitute good reflectors. (2) The Chingmei Formation appears in most part of western Taipei Basin. It's thickness does not change largely keeping at about 30 to 60 meters. This layer may pinch out toward the north of Sertzutao. (3) The top of the Hsinchung Formation is located at about 100 to 120 meters deep over most areas. It becoms deeper toward Wuku area withd the depth of about 160 meters. 
出版者 中央大學地球物理學系 
出版地 新竹市 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;新莊市;淺層反射震測;台北盆地;第三紀基盤