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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 參與式設計與都市政治中的專業者: 以淡水與芝山經驗為例 
作者 劉欣蓉 
出版日期 1997 
頁碼或冊數 94 
中文摘要 本論文主旨為:參與式規劃/設計中專業者面對社區、性別與國家的各種現實處境。第一章對於討論焦點、進步專業範型的脈絡性加以描述,第二章我將以我參加淡水社區工作室於淡水、芝山兩個社區的參與工作內容,具體呈現我在淡水社區工作室中的專業實踐過程,作為舖陳專業者面對與各種社會主體間政治過程的討論基礎。第三章中,我將更進一步地討論專業者在參與過程的現實處境。另外,在社區參與過程中,專業者也總是面對著最難以撼動的一組社會關係,即被自然化、被消音的性別權力關係。面對這些複雜糾葛的權力關係,專業者究竟能在社會改革的進程上做些什麼,是本論文最後要思考的課題。 
英文摘要 This thesis was trying to discuss some major issues, which I encountered both in the projects of Tamsui and Chisan, conducted by the Community Action Team, between 1993-1996. My discussions had been focused on three major categories: the community, the gender relation, and the role of state in participation design. My thesis was composed of four sections: Firstly, through a brief review of the exitin paradigms of the participatory planning/design; Secondly, I gave an outline the project of Tamsui as well as that of Chisan, to illustrate the participatory process which I discussed later; Thirdly, I focused my discussion on the issues emerged in those two projects; Finally, I gave an early conclusion the discussion. 
出版者 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;淡水鎮;都市政治;芝山經驗