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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 博奕理論應用於大型違章建築處理之研究 : 以臺北縣八里鄉華富山靈骨塔違建案為例 
作者 殷嘉隆 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 127 
中文摘要 本研究分為三個部分,其一為博奕理論相關文獻介紹,針對該理論之定義及特性說明,並就分析討論違建空間衝突之論証,最後是以違建空間及人類行為關係加以探討,藉由空間行為理論對環境兩者之影響加以分析。在個案經驗方面,本論文針對台北縣八里鄉靈骨塔違建案進行研究,分別從政府及民眾之間做討論的重點在於藉由博奕理論之架構希望建立雙方策略之公平性,達到雙贏之目的。最後做成結論,找出化解衝突立場之論點,希望對往後政府在處理類似的民眾抗爭事件時,能有所助益。 
英文摘要 The research consists of three portions. One of them is the introduction of related review of the state of art in game theory, especially aiming at its definition and characteristics. So as to verify and discuss the provenance of the illegal buildings space conflict based on the analysis. Then, explore the connection between illegal buildings and human behavior and examine their effects according to space behavior theory. As far as the practical case experience is concerned, the thesis looks into the illegal buildings case in Bali Village of Taipei County. The research emphasizes the standpoints from the government and the citizens respectively. Depend upon the structure of game theory, hopefully to set up a fair strategy for both sides and achieve a win-win policy. It is hoped that they can be helpful for the government to deal with similar cases of resistance from civilians. 
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出版者 國北臺北科技大學建築與都市設計研究所都市設計組 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 臺北縣八里鄉;靈骨塔;博奕理論;衝突管理;空間行為;環境行為;人與環境關係