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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 充能社區保健志工之成效評值:以三芝鄉為例 
作者 吳淑芳 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 109 
中文摘要 本研究為探討充能介入措施對社區保健志工充能程度之成效,研究方法採類實驗型研究設計,採方便取樣,以三芝鄉及北投地區之保健志工為研究對象,共計87人,分50人為實驗組(三芝鄉),另外的37人為對照組(北投區).實驗組接受為期三個月的充能介入措施,對照組則無.依研究結果建議護理實務方面,以充能理念加強社區保健志工領導人之訓練,依據志工之實際需求進行課程設計,透過團體式的經驗分享和學習,可有效提昇保健志工之知識和技能,且有助於樂觀與對未來掌控感的提昇. 
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of using empowerment intervention on empowerment level for community health volunteers. The research design of quasi-experimental study was used with convenience sampling from two communities of San-chih and Pei-tou. Subjects of this study were community health volunteers. There were totally 87 subjects in the study, 50 of them were in the experimental group who reside in San-chih county whereas the remainy 37 who live in Pei-tou section were in the control group. The experimental group received a three-months empowering intervention while the control group didn’t.The purposed suggestion for community health practicum according to results of this study is to train the leaders of community health volunteers by using the empowerment concept after assessing their actual needs. Effective way to increase community health volunteers’ health related knowledge and skills is to train them by using empowering education that is to share and dialogue in a supportive environment. Most importantly, this way can increase significantly on their empowerment level in the domain of optimism/control over the future. 
出版者 國立陽明大學社區護理研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 臺北縣;三芝鄉;保健志工;充能成效;充能介入措施