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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 低壓灌漿改良濁水溪沖積砂土抗液化強度之初步研究 
作者 蕭士慧 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 182 
中文摘要 7.3)造成台灣嚴重災害,濁水溪沖積平原上即有多處地區發生大規模的土壤液化現象,針對該區進行全面性之液化潛能調查實為重要之課題.本研究彙整彰化與雲林地區之地質資料,共以1100個有效鑽孔,考慮三種液化簡易評估方法—修正Seed簡易經驗法(Seed和Idriss1971;Youdetal.2001)、Tokimatsu與Yoshimi簡易經驗法(1983)、新版日本道路橋協會(NJRA)簡易經驗法(JRA1996),模擬921地震實際值進行分析.將結果配合Iwasaki等人深度加權法(1982)估算地層之液化潛能指數,同時以Ishihara理論模式(1993)評估液化後地盤之震陷量,以建置濁水溪沖積平原全區液化潛能評估.本研究利用斗南雲林教養院現地地質鑽探取得之薄管土樣,進行室內動力三軸液化強度試驗,探討原狀試體試驗及簡易經驗法液化分析結果之差異;並以濁水溪重模砂土試體進行室內灌漿試驗,探討低壓灌漿對砂土液化強度的改良效果. 
英文摘要 The Chi-chi Earthquake of 1999, with a Richter magnitude of 7.3, was the most damaging earthquake of the century that had occurred in inland Taiwan. Significant liquefactions were evident in many places on the west plain of the island as a result of the shaking, in which the alluvial deposits of the Chou-swei River Fan had been suffered the most.  The current study was initiated by collecting geological information of the area, including Changhua and Yunlin Counties. A total of 1100 effective borehole logs was collected and setup in a database. Three liquefaction analysis methods were employed, which included Modified Seed’s Method (Seed 和Idriss 1971;Youd et al. 2001), Tokimatsu & Yoshimi’s Method (1983), and the new version of Japan Railroad Association’s Method (NJRA 1996). The study adopted the peak ground acceleration (PGA) data recorded in several locations on the alluvial plain during the Chi-chi earthquake. Liquefaction potentials were evaluated based on a weighing procedure proposed by Iwasaki ( 1982). The post-shaking settlements were also estimated based on the method of Ishihara (1993). For comparison of the accuracy and suitability of the simplified methods adopted in the current study, a cyclic triaxial test program was conducted on Shelby tube samples collected from Tounan Town, Yunlin, a site where serious liquefactions had occurred during the 1999 shaking. The aim of this study was to evaluate the liquefaction resistance of a local sand from Tzo-sui River, injected by a cement and sodium silicate solution to simulate the effect of a low-pressured grouting. A series of cyclic triaxial testing was performed. 
出版者 雲林科技大學營建工程系 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 雲林縣;斗南鎮;低壓灌漿;土壤液化;抗液化強度;動三軸試驗