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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名  菸業對美濃大崎下聚落空間的影響 
作者  鍾志宏 
出版日期 1993 
頁碼或冊數 162 
中文摘要 本論文是探討美濃客家聚落引進菸業前後,聚落的形成與變遷的過程,並透過因生產需要所建構出的菸樓,對背後所存在的現象,嘗試予以解析.大崎下,由於在日據時期興修水利,可種二期稻作,加上環境適宜,本身又屬由客家族群構成的聚落,勞動人口多,所以在日據後期投入種菸行列,但因採收後須儘快烤菸,換工組織應運而生,形成新的社群結構.在內在結構調整的同時,有項直接影響到實質空間的元素,即大阪式菸樓的設置,該空間兼具有烤菸、調理、種菸許可依據等生產及管理上的功能,而設置的地點也涉及家戶對空間安排的處置.依論證結果,菸業對大崎下聚落的影響應屬正面的,因該產業的保證收購價格維持了菸農的生計,增加了土地的利用價值,建立了新的社群關係,而聚落空間則因菸田及菸樓而呈現出特有的風貌. 
英文摘要 This thesis' research about Mei-Nung Hakka settlement difference which about bring in tobacco production's reasonof form and process of change . Tobacco house was construct because of deman of product , throuth the building I try to analyze some phenomone existed behind . Da-Chi-Shia because of improved agriculture water sou- cer in Japan colony period ,could plant two times rice crop . And beacouse of the other reason like suit enviro- ment , plenty labour , etc . So settlement join the act- ion of plant tobacco in later colony period . Meantime the network ofchange labour appeared formed a new con- struction of local society . In the meantime when inner structure was turned , the Tobacco house played a important role , becouse it had complexed function in toast tobacco , permit plant , etc . 
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出版者 東海大學 
出版地 臺中縣 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;美濃鎮;菸業;菸樓