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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名  臺灣南部美濃地區客家三獻禮之「儀式」與「音樂」 
作者  柯佩怡 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 263 
中文摘要 本論文所探討的範圍及對象為臺灣南部高雄縣境內美濃、旗山以及六龜等地區之客家族群,以「三獻禮」為主軸,作者首先由歷代史書及禮書的記錄整理出三獻禮的由來及發展,並藉由實地的田野記錄以及參與觀察的方式,從「人」、「儀式」、「音樂」、「空間」及「物體」等元素,逐一作平行式的探討,再進而分析各元素間的相互關係,藉以了解南部客家「三獻禮」的運作模式.除此之外,在論文的最後一章裡,作者試圖以社會學的觀點,探討「三獻禮」在這些地區客家聚落中的意義及功能,從儀式進行時的社會、經濟、文化網絡以及族群價值觀的表現,我們可以看到這些地區所呈現出獨特的客家祭祀文化. 
英文摘要 This investigation focused on Hakka ethnos, which are located in Maynoon, Chi-Shan, Liu-Kuei and other Hakka strongholds in Kaohsiung County, South of Taiwan. The study took “Three-Consecrations” as a priority, the author collected and arranged the filiations and developments of Three-Consecrations firstly from historiographies and ordinals of each dynasty, and further discuss from elements like “people”, “agenda”, “music”, “space” and “object”, through field study and autopsy, to argue in parallel one after one, and to analyze the relationship between each element, in order to understand the performing pattern of “Three-Consecrations” by Hakka in South of Taiwan.Furthermore, in the last chapter of this investigation, the author tried to discuss the meaning and function of “Three-Consecrations” in these Hakka strongholds from demotics point of view. With social, economical, cultural and group-figurative aspects, we could found the unique Hakka religious culture in these areas. 
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出版者 國立臺北藝術大學 
出版地 臺北縣 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;美濃鎮;客家;儀式;音樂;三獻禮