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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名  美濃菸業聚落與菸業建築之研究(1919-2004) 
作者  黃俊憲 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 234 
中文摘要 美濃菸草產業的發展即是在市場極度需求的因素下啟航,並逐步擴展出「菸草王國」的美譽,成為菸草產量、菸草聚落、菸樓建築最為完整與健全的重鎮.然而隨著洋菸進口的衝擊下,臺灣菸草競爭力已無法抗衡,致使原有產業空間紋理開始遭受棄置與抽離.因此,本論文以「歷史、活動、空間」等三大主軸切入,分別列入各章節中以詳加論述美濃菸草聚落與菸樓建築的演進關聯. 
英文摘要 The development of the tobacco industry in Meinung was outset by the requirement of the market. Step by step, Meinung becomes "the empire of tobacco", and the production, community and buildings of Meinung are the most matured and completed. However, under the impact of western tobacco, the tobacco industry in Taiwan can't compete with it and then leads to the abandon of the original industry. Therefore, we discussed the relationship of the tobacco community and the structures in Meinung in three aspects, history, activity and space, in the following chapters. 
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出版者 中原大學 
出版地 桃園縣 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;美濃鎮;菸草