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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名  美濃水庫興建之政策網絡分析 
作者  葉蓓華 
出版日期 2000 
頁碼或冊數 176 
中文摘要 為了解決用水問題,技術官僚咸認為開發水庫為當今謀求水源之不二法門,因此計劃於美濃地區興建水庫,以滿足南部地區用水需求.其認為興建美濃水庫一方面不僅可解決長期以來南部地區民眾無水可用之苦,另一方面則藉由供應工業園區用水,進而建設台灣成為科技島,可謂立意良善.然而此立意良善之政策,卻屢遭美濃當地居民抗爭,延宕至今仍無法動工.究竟在美濃水庫興建決策的研擬過程,出現了什縻問題?其造成爭議的論點何在?而相關政策參與者間又如何互動?以上種種問題則引發筆者對於美濃水庫興建之政策網絡型態研究的動機. 
英文摘要 Instead of traditional approaches of Pluralism and Corporatism, this article tries to study the complicate interactions of state and society in the policy making process, from the viewpoint of Policy Network created in 1970. This article applies the concept of Policy Network to the case of construction of Mei-Nung Reservoir in order to understand its actual application to policy making. The profile of Policy Network Theory is given by looking into its emergence from Pluralism and Corporatism, its basis of theory, and meaning found in English literature. After descriptions of the background of building Mei-Nung Reservoir and the stance of each stakeholder, the Policy Network shows helpful in explaining the dispute and policy making. Finally some suggestions come out from this research 
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出版者 國立政治大學公共行政學系 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;美濃鎮;水庫