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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名  美濃地區區域各別逕流係數修正之研究 
作者  黃國章 
出版日期 1994 
頁碼或冊數 65 
中文摘要 由於美濃地區集水面積過於狹小,目前本省只有該地區之區域總逕流係數資料,尚無各土地利用狀況之各別逕流係數資料.為使其該地區內之小型排水工程能估計較精確之排水量,因而設計較為經濟之排水渠道,本研究特以一修正方法以估算區域內各別逕流係數.本研究之作法乃引用外來地區之各種逕流係數值,將本地區之各種土地利用代入各別獨立演算,並將竹子門發電廠之引水量列入考慮,經求算得出一誤差修正係數k值.再將此k值分別代入原各山區及各土地利用求算,以求得各分區各頻率別修正後之逕流係數值. 
英文摘要 At present, only the total runoff coefficient data for the Meinung Basin si available in Taiwan. Runoff coefficient data based on various land uses are not yet available because of its very small drainage area. In order to obtain more economiccross-section in the design of drainage canals and structures in that basin, more accurate calculation of drainage discharge is indispensable. In this study, rainfall coefficients of the respective small drainage areas in Meinung basin are estimated by using correction/revision method. Runoff coefficient values form outside area were first adopted for calculation and analysis by substituting various land use data of therespective small drainage areas and taking account of the drainage discharge diverted by Chu-Tze-Men Hydropower Plant. Then a correction value, k, can be calculated. After substituting these K- values into the original equation, corrected runoff coefficients for the respective small drainage areas with different land uses and frequencies can be obtained. 
出版者 國立臺灣大學 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;美濃鎮