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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名  美濃土地伯公信仰之研究 
作者  張二文 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 283 
中文摘要 美濃稱土地公為「伯公」,稱土地公廟為「伯公下」.根據筆者田野實察約有三百八十座,可謂美濃客家居民最親近的神祇了.本文企望透過小區域歷史發展的了解,以及土地伯公的區域分布、管轄範圍、祭祀組織與活動、造型建築演變、型制內涵以及伯公會的運作來探討其與聚落居民互動,並深究社會變遷與土地伯公信仰的關係. 
英文摘要 he purpose of the study is to explore the evolution of the temples for the Village Deity in Mei-nong. The Village Deity is called “Ba-Gong”, and the temple of Village Deity is “Ba-Gong Ha”. According to his research in the countryside, the researcher has observed that the Village Deity is the closest God for Mei-nong Hakanese, since there were three hundred and eighty shrines around the area. 
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出版者 臺南師範學院鄉土文化研究所 
出版地 台南市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;美濃鎮;土地公;祭祀