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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名  以生態工法整治污染湖泊之規劃研究 : 以美濃中正湖為例 
作者  李明達 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 122 
中文摘要 美濃中正湖是美濃客家文化發展的起源地,是極具有客家精神的代表之一,但是長年經上游農業畜牧廢水、養殖廢水與家庭污水的流入,導致湖中優養化現象十分的嚴重,再加上養殖業的布袋蓮飼料殘留種子注入湖中而大量繁殖,更使湖低沉積物快速的累積,大大的縮短了中正湖的壽命,因此本研究利用「生態工法」(EcologicalEngineeringMethods)來對中正湖做個整體的規劃,使用「人工湖內湖」(Artificiallagoon)及「人工浮島」(ArtificialFloatingIsland)改善湖體的水質,並將集合美濃鎮的客家風情、觀光資源、人文古蹟、生態資源等,建立南臺灣之獨特客家觀光遊憩意象. 
英文摘要 Jung Jeng Lake located in Mei Nong in south of Taiwan, is the origin of Mei Nong Hakka culture. Owing to stockbreeding hogs, cultivation and domestic wastewater in the upstream of Jiang Tz Liau River that finally flows into Jung Jeng Lake for years, the lake thus suffered extremely serious problem of eutrophication. In addition, the water hyacinth remain seeds in the lake and reproduce resulting in speeding up the lacustrine silt that would greatly shorten the life of Jung Jeng Lake. Using artificial lagoon and artificial floating island were found able to improve the water quality of lake. Therefore, we could sightseeing resource, historic site, and ecological resources of Mei Nong. This research applied the advantages of ecological engineering methods to restore the Jung Jeng Lake, and thus the southern Taiwan unique Hakka tourism can be presented. 
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出版者 國立中山大學 
出版地 高雄市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;美濃鎮