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序號 資料類型    主要題名    作者    出版日期
271 單篇文獻 一輩子只能做一次!--專訪朱銘談創辦朱銘美術館的甘苦 陳宜君 1999-10
272 單篇文獻 一千年後才能出土--法鼓山「地宮安寶」延續佛、法、僧慧命 編輯部 1996-11
273 單篇文獻 WWW即是三法印--杜正民(法鼓佛教研修學院副校長) 陳漢傑採訪整理 2007-11
274 單篇文獻 Visual Impairment among the Middle-aged and Elderly Population in Chin-shan Township, Taipei County 林隆光;施永豐;何子昌;王清泓;陳建仁;洪伯廷 2001-06
275 單篇文獻 The Refractive Status of Middle-Aged and Elderly Population in Chin-Shan Xiang, Taipei County 林隆光;施永豐;何子昌;王清泓;陳建仁;洪伯廷 2001-03
276 單篇文獻 The Pathway of the Fish:Ancient Gateway to the North Coast Charette,Rick 2003-05
277 單篇文獻 Structural Features and Quaternary Tectonics of the Chinshan Fault, Northern Taiwan 朱健仁;李錫堤;鄧屬予 1998-02
278 單篇文獻 Seismological Studies in the Chinshan Fault Area 陳光榮;葉義雄;顏宏元;林正洪 1995-10
279 單篇文獻 RETRAN-02 Small Break LOCA Analysis on Chinshan Unit I'S HPCI Steam Supply Line 0.1 ft戸Break 白寶實 1986-02
280 單篇文獻 Gravity and Microearthquake Studies in the Chinshan-Tanshui Area, Northern Taiwan 陳光榮;葉義雄 1991-03


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